Emergency No.011 4225 5225

Types of Rehab


Physiotherapy is a health care profession which provides services to individuals in order to develop maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout life. read more


The term Hydrotherapy is coined from the Greek words – “Hydro” meaning “water” and “Therapeia” meaning “Healing”. As it suggests, hydrotherapy is a method of using the physical aspect of water for medical and relaxing treatments. The buoyancy of water effect minimizes the efforts of gravity on weight bearing joints, spinal column and ligaments. The entire therapy improves balance and co-ordination. read more

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is the treatment which actively involves the patients to improve their physical, mental, psychological and psychosocial status by restoring & enhancing the performance of those skills which are essential for a self supporting lifestyle & minimize the disability, besides occupational therapy also deals in training the activities of daily living such as writing, eating, grooming, dressing, and wheelchair skills within the limits of disability enabling the patient to lead an independent life. read more

Orthotics & Prosthetics

Orthotics & Prosthetics is an allied health profession that is concerned with design, development, & fitment of prosthetics & orthotics appliances. read more

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