Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the human body that performs many significate functions to keep the blood clean and chemically balanced.
There are a number of functions performed by the two kidneys in our body, such as filtering the blood to get rid of waste products of metabolism and keeping the electrolytes (sodium and potassium) and water content of the body constant, and many more.
When the kidneys do not function properly, there are harmful toxins and excess fluids that build up in the body, which may cause kidney failure.
Three aspects that play a crucial role in the assistance of kidney disease which are:
Symptoms of Kidney Disease:
Fatigue or feeling exhausted: Kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin, which tells your body to make Red Blood Cells. As the kidneys fail, they make less EPO. With fewer red blood cells to carry oxygen to your muscles and brain, they tire very quickly.
Feeling cold: When there are fewer RBCs in your body you tend to have anemia. Anemia gives you a cold feeling all the time, even in a warm too.
Shortness of breath: The two reasons for shortness of breath are first, the excess fluid in the body can accumulate in the lungs, secondly, anemia also leads to this.
Feeling dizzy: Anemia which is relatable to kidney failure causes your brain to not get enough oxygen. This case can lead to feeling faint, dizzy, or weak.
Trouble thinking clearly: Anemia overseas to your brain is not getting enough oxygen. This can create memory crises or trouble concentrating.
Feeling very itchy: When the kidneys fail to do their job. The build-up wastes in your blood can cause severe itching in your body.
Swelling in hands or feet: When kidney failure happens it doesn’t remove extra fluid, that’s why it builds up in your body causing swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, and hands.
Bulged or puffy face: This led to builds of fluid in your body affecting swelling in the face.
Food tastes like metal: Wastes i.e. called uremia in the blood can make food taste varied and cause bad breath. It may be noticeable to you stop liking to eat flesh, or that you might be losing weight because you just don’t feel like eating something.
Feels like pee, so getting up during the night to make urine: The damage to the kidney may make you urinate more often, or in enormous amounts than usual, with pale urine. Also, there may be feelings of pressure or have difficulty urinating.
Foamy and bubbly urine: The above-normal amount of protein in the urine may lead to foamy and bubbly urine.
Upset stomach or nausea and vomiting: A terrible build-up of wastes in the blood known as uremia can also lead to nausea and vomiting.
Prevention from Kidney Disease:
A medication fixation along with lifestyle changes, and an early referral to a kidney specialist I.e. a nephrologist, can lessen the chances of you having or delaying kidney failure.
Healthy lifestyle alternatives that can make you keep your Kidneys Functioning includes the following:
Treatment for Kidney Disease:
If an early indication is detected, the advancement of kidney disease can be delayed and sometimes even avoided. In the early stages of kidney disease, a slighter change to diet and medication benefits to increase the life of your kidneys.
If the kidney function is lessened to less than 10 percent of the normal functionality, the loss of function must be restored by dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is an option of treatment for kidney failure that removes waste products and extra water from the blood by filtering it through a special membrane.
Well, some of the patients do not realize that they have the condition until their kidney function is down to 15% of its normal capacity. By this time, they already have it and will be recommended to go for dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Prevention relies largely on overseeing the initial stages of causes, which are diabetes and hypertension. However, there are other conditions which include kidney injury and heavy metal poisoning that can cause kidney diseases.
People who are in danger of the circumstance or who are concerned should speak with a specialist about it. Opting for a healthy lifestyle through nutriment and exercise can also help deter kidney diseases.